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The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is a US legislation that was enacted on March 18, 2010  FATCA is essentially a regulatory reporting requirement for foreign financial institutions on their US account holder base, obliging them to provide the U.S. IRS with data on US persons’ accounts based on US status indicators.

As a member of the Raiffeisen Group,  Raiffeisen CAPITAL  a.d. Banja Luka brokerage company has  recognized the importance of FATCA and complies with the FATCA requirements. Raiffeisen Capital ad Banja Luka was registered with the U.S. IRS on 04.02.2014  with the FATCA classification “Participating Financial Institution not covered by an IGA; and received GIIN Nr.  28CWN4.00029.ME.070

In case you have any questions, please contact FATCA Officer:

Vedrana Đukić  e-mail: vedrana.djukic@raiffeisengroup.ba
